Our Financing Solutions
BFL offers flexible premium financing programs with multiple benefits for our insurance partners and their insured. Sample terms might be:

• 25% down and 9 monthly payments or
• 15% down and 10 monthly payments

1. How is premium financing different from bank financing?
Unlike banks, we do not require that you have a certain percentage of the premiums that you finance on deposit as "collateral". Financing premiums through BFL does not affect any existing bank credit arrangements. Our rates, which are comparable to rates in the short-term market, are competitive. The most important cost consideration is how much return your company can make with the additional working capital.

2. Why should I not simply pay the entire premium?
Think of your insurance as an asset. Why pay your entire insurance premium in one lump sum when you can spread the payment throughout the year and use the additional working capital for business growth or income producing purposes? Financing premiums improves cash flow and preserves your working capital.

3. What is the minimum premium amount required to finance on a contract?
N500,000 and above.

4. Is it not premium financing only for facility and hard-to-market clients?
No! While we adopt a flexible approach to financing of hard-to-market clients, we finance all kinds of premium including hotel, real estate developers, neighborhood stores, trucking.